The Sri Sathya Sai Vidyalaya is inspired, initiated and is lovingly nurtured by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He is its Life and Soul, Motivation and Goal. Under His guidance and loving care, the school embarked on its mission of molding young minds on 24th April, 1987 and has been in pursuit of excellence since then. The school has been producing State Ranks and 100% pass percentage in board exams and as well as in levels all through.


Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar


By the Divine Grace and Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, an Elite value-based school was launched in Thiruvottiyur in the month of June 2016 for classes from PreP, KG -1, KG-2, and Grade 1 to Grade 5. In a sprawling green campus of more than 1 acre, with state-of-the-art infrastructure, spacious classrooms, modern labs, amenities and high end sports facilities...


Sathya Sai provides a secure, challenging yet supportive learning environment in which Students gain confidence in curriculum and beyond by involving in a host of activities.





  • Sameep Art & Craft
    Classical Dance
    Sai Cricket Academy
    Musical Instruments

Our open door policy is the foundation upon which we build excellent relationship with our stakeholders. The person who benefits most from this positive collaboration is none other than the student.



What is it like to be a Sai Student?

When the word ‘extra’ precedes the word ‘ordinary’, it gives a whole new meaning, ordinary gets transformed into extraordinary. So does the word ‘Sai’ to a ‘Student’. Am blessed to be a SAI STUDENT.

Shiyam M
VII a2

Sathya Sai is a great place to learn. There are many opportunities for once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Yuvashree P
Student X a3

Lessons can very often be entertaining as well as educational because of the approach that teachers take.

Gopala Krishnan MS
Student XII a

Sathya Sai opens a wide variety of doors; I have discovered strengths I never knew I had.

Elizabeth D
Student X a2

It never feels as though there are massive steps from year-to-year. That’s because the teachers prepare you so well.

Shalmiya S
Student XII a2

Sathya Sai is like one big family…. A very nice one!

Lakshmi R
Student X a

On Sunday nights, I never, ever, think! Oh no, it’s School tomorrow! I love Sathya Sai…

Aathira L J
Student VIII a2

As we progress through the school, students are encouraged to use their initiative and develop self-discipline in their studies.

Mujibunisha A
Student XI a

Our school’s high academic standards and family atmosphere helps to nurture a love for learning that brings out the best in all students.

Sameera Fathima M

Sathya Sai has helped me grow into a young adult both spiritually and academically. Sathya Sai teaches the students to do the right thing – even when no-one is looking. Sathya Sai has been the place where I’ve made numerous lifetime friendships and feel prepared for college and the career world. Thanks to teachers who have encouraged and supported me.

Ms. Sharmila B
Class of 2014

Teachers create a highly positive climate for learning. They expertly harness students’ unquenchable thirst for knowledge by a range of highly creative learning activities. Everything at Sathya Sai is designed to encourage students to take an active role in their learning. Sathya Sai is precisely what a good school should be.

Ms. Pavithra Gopi
Class of2012

Why WE love working here?

Sathya Sai is a community. Every day presents a new challenge and everyday students and staff work together to overcome them; it’s what makes being a teacher here so rewarding!

Ms. Pemila Ramesh
Teacher – Class III

It’s the people inside Sathya Sai make it a special place. The young people who are fun, brilliant, hardworking, and make me smile, and my amazing colleagues who inspire me every day.

Ms. Jayasri S
Teacher – Class XI

"சத்ய சாய் பள்ளியில் ஆசிரியையாக பணியாற்றுவது ஓர் உன்னத அனுபவம். ஆசிரியர்களும் பெற்றோரும் ஒருங்கிணைந்து ஓர் குழுவாக செயல்பட்டு மாணவர்களின் கல்வி முன்னேற்றத்திற்காக செயல்படுவது பள்ளியின் சிறப்பம்சம். சக ஆசிரியர்களின் ஒத்துழைப்பும், பள்ளி தலைமையின் சீரிய வழிகாட்டுதலும், மனிதவள மேம்பாட்டுடன் கூடிய கல்வி முறையும், சமூக சேவை பணிகளும் இப்பள்ளியை திருவொற்றியூர் நகரின் திலகமாக, ஓர் சிறந்த கல்வி நிறுவனமாக விளங்க செய்கின்றது. சத்ய சாய் பள்ளியில் ஆசிரியையாக பணிபுரிவதில் நான் பெருமிதம் கொள்கின்றேன்."

திருமதி. மெர்லின் ஜமுனா
தமிழ் ஆசிரியை, மேல்நிலை வகுப்புகள்.

This is the school that helped to shape my future when I studied here. Now I get to be part of the teaching team shaping the next generation in our school by raising students’ self-belief, motivation, work ethic, dreams and aspirations.

Ms. Fathima Shakira Ali
Teacher – Class IV

The children are constantly learning in highly engaging lessons that are planned around cross-curricular themes. With so many experienced and dynamic teachers, broad curriculum, creative learning strategies and shared work areas; the school is always buzzing with enthusiastic children involved in collaborative and exciting activities.

Ms. Stella Mary T
Teacher – Class V

The school’s drive towards being mission driven, espousing the values of ‘Educare’ and developing holistic education for life beyond simply examination results and curriculum attainment means youfeel like you are really making a difference. Am proud to be a Sai Teacher.

Ms. Preetha Rajesh Kambrath
Teacher – Class XII

At Sathya Sai, the primary focus is on discipline. The same is inculcated through direct and indirect methods of value education. Students are encouraged to form groups and perform lot of activities. Students learn by doing out of experience and teachers act as facilitators. Senior students are given ample opportunities to take leaderships and be mentors and role models for their peers and also for their juniors. Being at Sathya Sai School is a great learning experience, even for teachers.

Ms. Nancy R
Teacher – Class VII

Moving the process of teaching and learning away from the traditional, didactic method towards a value-based, interactive and interdisciplinary approach provides our students with the higher order thinking skills, so crucial to their success.

Ms. Apshana Sheriff
Teacher – Class II

A Sathya Sai school education offers what other schools cannot, a learning experience rooted in reverence, respect and responsibility and a value-based curriculum focused on academic excellence that paves the way for future success. It certainly is a school unlike any other.

Ms. Kundavi
Coordinator – Primary School

It was truly amazing to see such consistently high quality, professional commitment and expertise throughout the school that was reflected in the children’s very impressive standards of work and behavior.

PAC Member

Students demonstrate a confident approach to their work. They enjoy learning and are eager to achieve. Students are keen to answer questions, participate in activities and enjoy being challenged.

PAC Member

Being a Sai Parent...

The school achieves the right balance between working hard and having fun. My daughter thoroughly enjoys school – Sathya Sai is a great place to be, for every child.

Ms. Usharani Bherusingh
Mother of Deepika B VIII a2

It has been good to see the confidence and goodness in our son grow over the years and also the enjoyment that he has while learning.My son is a member of 5‘O Clock club at school, a beautiful initiative to inculcate the habit of waking up early among children.

Ms. Surya Pramod
Mother of A. K. Abinav IV a

The behavior of students is exceptional both in and out of classrooms; they are welcoming, courteous and respectful towards each other and to adults. The dedicated School App keeps me connected with the school and teachers throughout the year. This is an outstanding school.

Ms. Nandini Krishnamoorthy
Mother of Pavithra K X a2 and Vivedha K VIII a2

What makes the school special is that as soon as you walk in, you get a burst of positive energy. The school works hand-in-hand with parents, Parents Audit Committee is one among the many novel initiatives that makes Sathya Sai unique from the rest of the other schools.

Mr. Ramesh
Father of Mohit VI a3 and Rakshitha IV a2

A very welcoming school, very friendly and approachable teachers. The school arranges educational loan on lowest interest rates for the needy parents. Thank you so much for your amazing support and help whenever needed.

Ms. Sudha Ramesh
Mother of Rekha Shree VII a2 and Keerthi Shree IV a2

Teachers know their students extremely well and employ a wide variety of different styles and activities. I know if my children need extra help, they will get it. Thanks a ton.

Ms. AlaguManjula Sundaram
Mother of Mukesh S VIII a and Bhavani S III a2

Thank you for providing a thriving school environment for my children. It has been the source stimulating learning, rich relationships, stimulus for personal growth and fodder for lively discussions around the dinner table.

Ms. Pushpa Nagaraj
Mother of Indhumathi VI a2 and Dinesh kumar V a

The Sathya Sai schools’ values encourage students to do their very best, in both their work and their behavior. Sai Store A.K.A Honest Shop run by students, Insurance coverage for all students are some of the initiatives that made me admire the school. Sathya Sai is truly a thriving school.

Ms. Leelavathi Loganathan
Mother of Pooja Shree L IIIa2

I highly recommend the kindergarten because of its outstanding staff and facilities.Staff are professional and caring. It is clear that they are doing their very best to provide an outstanding education for my children. My daughters will keep amazing life long memories and friends from their early years.

Ms. Saraswathi Karunakaran
Mother ofSruthika K IIIa2 and Rithika K LKG a2

A vibrant and friendly school where children enjoy an exciting range of opportunities and make excellent progress. Cross Country conducted at school develops creative writing and public speaking skills of students in an amazing way.

Ms. Jerlin Muthu
Mother of Keerthana M VI a3 and SathishKannan M V a

It is clear that the welfare of the students is at the heart of all that the school does. Many thanks for all you do, your support, care and respect mean everything to our family. Also, I am so proud and happy that my children study in the school where I studied.

Ms. Lalitha Om Prakash
Mother of Manmohan Singh VII a2 and Chetan Singh III a

A strength of this school is the enjoyment and achievement of the students. Visitors to the school cannot fail to be impressed by the students’ outstanding personal skills, including their exemplary behaviour and attitude to school. Students are involved in lot of social service activities that makes them compassionate towards the under privileged.

Mr. A. Subharayalu
Father of Poongothai S V a2 and Elangovan S III a

Provision for students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding and students are well-prepared for moving onto the next stage of their lives. The role of Spiritual Diary in molding the children is noteworthy and it acts as a magic wand in transforming the children.

Ms. Asha Rajesh
Mother of Srilakshmi III a2

My daughter has returned to being a happy child again. She has stopped many of her former signs of distress. She speaks sweetly and softly to us, does PadhaNamaskar every day and help us in household chores. Thank you Sathya Sai.

Ms. Anbuselvi Kanniappan
Mother of Dhanalakshmi XI a

Sathya Sai provides an exceptionally high quality of education and care and students are kept extremely safe. CCTV surveillance campus, RF enabled ID cards and Parent ID cards ensures safety of students to the core. Involving parents in all the school activities enable the students make excellent progress both academically and personally.

Ms. Sugunavalli Thanigaivel
Mother of Monish Kanna TS IX a3 and Josh Anand TS V a

Staff are professional, caring, highly dedicated, and approachable and this is evident in the way that they interact with the young people. There is a lovely atmosphere and the young people obviously feel safe and secure.

Ms. Vanathi Sureshkumar
Mother of Srinithi S V a2

The staff at Sathya Sai continue to show immense patience and perseverance in meeting my children’s need as well as encouraging them to be more assertive and independent.

Ms. Vennila Sudhakar
Mother of Gowtham IV a2 and Kamali III a2

The school leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of enabling students to make the maximum progress.Interesting and innovative initiatives are many, targeting one goal – to make the students achieve beyond all expectations.

Mr. G. Senthil Shankara Ganesh
Father of Harini S V a2 and Santhosh SG II a

Our daughter’s enrollment at Sathya Sai was the start of a new life for us. Today we are happy parents.

Ms. Parvathi Neethimani
Mother of Megalakshmi N V a2

I’m so proud of all that my son has achieved with you and will be forever grateful for the wonderful start you and all your staff have given him in life.

Ms. Selvarani Krishnaswamy
Mother of Kamaraj K VIIa

May we take this opportunity to personally thank you and all the staff for providing a wonderful environment for both our children and giving them a better start in life than we could ever have hoped for.

MsNithya Baskar
Mother of Jayakumar B IX a and Karan B VIIa2

My children have always enjoyed their time spent in school. As a parent I am very satisfied.

Ms. Sathya Muthuswamy
Mother of Naveen Prakash M IX a3 and Kavin Kumar M VII a

I can trust that my daughter is receiving the highest level of academic support, quality education and behavioural guidance while building a loving foundation and lifelong friends.

Ms. Amudha Lakshmi Narasimhan
Mother of Shanmathi L VI a2

The teachers keep us well-informed of their development, creating a learning atmosphere that was consistent in the classroom and at home.

Mr. K. Nirmal Kumar
Father of Subashini N V a3 and Nithish N IIa2

Engaging, nurturing, compassionate and professional are amongst the many words we can use to describe this outstanding school and staff.

Ms. Devi Venkatesan
Mother of Dharshini V a2

My daughter is coming on in leaps and bounds since joining the school and regularly tells me what she has learned. The school feels like a community – caring and friendly.

Mr. Girish Kumar Gupta R
Father of Lalitha Gupta G VI a3

The feedback from teachers is objective and you always feel that they have a clear plan. I found the school by a stroke of luck and I’m really pleased that I did.

Ms. KanagaSundari Kumar
Mother of Krithika K IX a2, Sneha K VIII a2 and Deepika VI a2

I’m absolutely delighted that my daughter attends Sathya Sai. I don’t think she’d be the happy, confident and polite girl she is without the influence of Sathya Sai. My daughter is so content at school that she can’t bear to miss a single day.

Ms. Kavitha Srinivasan
Mother of Rukmani K VI a3

Thank you for everything that you do for the students and especially our daughter.Sathya Sai makes every student feel special and important – this is rare to find in both a school and its staff.

Mr. Kanagaraj M
Father of Gayathri K Via2

Both my children study in Sathya Sai. The concept of unity of faith is something that makes this school very unique. My children pray as per our tradition at school and Ramadan is celebrated in a grand manner every year. Quality education along with values for life is what my children get at school. Am so happy that my daughter is an ASSET award winner at school. May Allah bless this school grow from strength to strength.

Ms. Shain KhaderBasha
Mother of Ameer VIII a and Sabiya VI a2

Sathya Sai School is one of the most structured school, innovating in every way possible. The school promotes lot of extra-curricular activities. We are proud to be associated with this wonderful school.

Treasure Trove

Crb Innovative Solutions Pvt Ltd