

Sathya Sai School's Programme addresses all aspects of transformation at a school for each level. What content is taught, how it is taught, activities and materials needed to make hands-on interactive classrooms, teacher empowerment, school ethos and environment are all integrated as part of Sathya Sai’s holistic approach. Based on the premise of 'compete with yourself', many profound changes begin to take place and a whole new outcome is witnessed for the individual child and the school community combined.

With Sathya Sai, students along with developing academic knowledge and practical skills, also acquire independent learning ability and self-managing attitude that will help them to succeed in higher education, forge a rewarding career and make a positive contribution to society.

Sathya Sai School’s teaching and learning strategies empower children to be effective partners in their own academic development. We make use of state of the art learning resources and on going diagnostic tools in order to maximize academic progress.

Sathya Sai Schools utilize a range of effective strategies for capturing students interest, developing their imagination, and tapping into teachable moments. These strategies include multi age (vertical) grouping flexible time tabling, and teaching practices informed by on going diagnostics.